NIO released a limited-time preferential car purchase plan for February: some long-storage exhibition cars can be reduced by up to 3,500 US dollars

 NIO’s official community released a limited-time preferential car purchase plan in February 2023, including national subsidy discounts, long-storage exhibition car discounts, replacement discounts, etc.

The plan shows that in February 2023, users who lock in orders to purchase 2022 ES8, ES6, and EC6 will receive state subsidies from NIO in 2022; Different storage ages and vehicle conditions can enjoy additional show car discounts. Users who purchase ES8 show cars can enjoy a cash discount of up to US$3,500, and users who purchase ES6 and EC6 show cars can enjoy a discount of up to US$2,800. On February 2, it was reported that "NIO has started a price reduction promotion for the 2022 ES6 and ES8, with a price drop of up to more than 15,000 US dollars." Today, Qin Lihong, co-founder and president of NIO, responded that ES8, ES6 and The three EC6 models are about to usher in a new generation. There are still some show cars and existing cars of the old models. Additional preferential policies will be given according to the age and condition of the vehicles, and there will be no price cuts across the board. According to sales data in January, Weilai delivered 8,506 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 11.9% and a month-on-month decrease of 46.2%, ranking second among new domestic car manufacturers.


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